Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 12 20:20:10 UTC 2005
One of the more obvious properties of the HP series is how little
change there has been in characters attitudes. After 5 years the
staunch are still staunch, the dodgy are still untrustworthy and Snape
is still Snape. And no, I don't think Percy has changed at all; nor
Seamus come to that.
Those that were Voldy supporters have remained so - even if they hid
the dagger behind a smile and a cloak for maximum effect. And if there
are any traitors in the Order then they've been so since about the time
of Harry's birth. Not many new recruits on the horizon, though Voldy
stands a chance of attracting a few of the Slytherin persuasion - but
not old DD, the Order is a *secret* order, almost nobody knows it
exists, so how can anyone with a yen to fight for truth and justice
join up?
It's a further indication that there'll be no big battles in HP; it's
not a war of numbers but of skirmish and ambuscade, more along the
lines of street gangs than the strategic glories of Clauswitz. Some
fans expect (or hope) that the House Elves will rise up en masse to
assert their freedom. Unlikely IMO. They are firmly attached to their
households and will lean the way their masters lean; that is their
nature after all. As many, perhaps more, will be like Kreacher than
will be like the Hogwarts housekeeping crew, since it's the old rich
families, i.e. the likes of the Malfoys, that'll have House Elves
You can forget the Giants, a double handful of remnants sliding back
into savagery. Centaurs - no chance. They'll remain in their bosky
glades muttering of the iniquities of wizards. Goblins - be nice if
they turned nasty, if you get my meaning, though from what Bill says at
the beginning of OoP they're more likely to remain in the background
as a potential problem than to launch ravening hordes sounding their
chilling war cry of "Pay off your Mortgage or Die!" on the innocent
house-holders of Harpenden.
What of the Wizarding World?
They're much like the general population in the real world - when
there's a problem, a danger, it's somebody else that's supposed to fix
it. They seem quite happy to swamp the newspapers and the Ministry with
owls but actually *doing* something, that never seems to occur to them.
Which is odd, since every adult witch and wizard has the magical
equivalent of an AK47 stuffed in his pocket. Come next Halloween and
the DEs are banging on the door - "Trick or treat!" and spells start
zapping out of the letterbox, well, it could make Voldy's mob pause for
So in reality the whole 'war' boils down to Voldy and maybe 50 DEs
against DD and whoever is the Order, and with the Ministry bods faffing
about on the sidelines. And at the moment it seems pretty much
dead-locked, which brings me back to my original point; the best way to
break the deadlock is for somebody to switch. Somebody or some bodies
are going to change their minds for the first time in the books.
Any bets on who and why?
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