Think about Neville
annemehr at
Tue Mar 15 18:15:38 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at, "mooseming" <josturgess at e...> wrote:
> Except on JKR's official site in the latest rumours section there is
> this:
> 10/12/04
> The Lestranges were sent after Neville to kill him.
> 'No, they weren't, they were very definitely sent after Neville's
> parents. I can't say too much about this because it touches too
> closely on the prophecy and how many people knew about it but the
> Lestranges were not in on the secret.'
> So not after Neville, which begs the question why bother with them
> at all? Why would JKR make the attack happen after Voldy is repelled
> by Harry. Why debunk *this* harmless rumour at all? Oh its all too
> fishy with the Longbottoms.
The Lestranges weren't in on the secret. Well, they didn't need to
be, because the Lestranges were *sent.* They were just following
orders. That doesn't tell us anything about the person who did the
sending, now, does it? You may immediately imagine Lucius Malfoy, who
*could be* in on the secret, sending the Lestranges after Neville's
parents (remember that Lucius had some familiarity with the prophecy
in OoP).
JKR's FAQ answer tells us the Lestranges weren't sent after Neville,
but they could have been sent after his parents because the one who
sent them knew the Longbottoms were connected to the prophecy and
presumably knew something about it. I'm not asserting this is true,
just that we have nothing to rule it out.
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