Naughty, Guilty! DD ( was Connecting the dots

annemehr annemehr at
Fri Mar 25 18:55:49 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Barry Arrowsmith"
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> Kneasy:
> 'Heir' need not mean descendant.
> OK, assume that Tom is the last descendant of ole Sally, that need not
> mean there are no more heirs, as I've pointed out before. An heir is
> anyone who receives a bequest. The bequest is whatever is/was in
> the Chamber -  and it passes to whoever can get to it. And many
> seem to forget that Harry opened the Chamber with no help from
> anyone, once the location of the entrance was hinted at.
> He too is an heir of sorts.

Yes, but Salazar was very interested in bloodlines.  I think he
envisioned the "Heir of Slytherin" to be of his loins, along the

On the other hand, he's not likely to have envisioned his heir to be
the son of a Muggle who won't even be married to a witch.  He's sure
to be rolling in his grave at the thought of *another* heir who is the
protege to that lover of mudbloods and muggles and at least spiritual
heir to Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore.

So, I'd see it not so much as a bequest, as a sneaky win in probate.


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