Hagrid Flew
annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Mon Mar 28 14:56:19 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, ewe2 <ewetoo at g...> wrote:
> How many, I wonder, asked themselves, "when did Hagrid first see a
> thestral?" Was it his father's death? It may be a point of some
> importance. In any case, it was with some disbelief that I found that
> noone has even looked at Hagrid's connections with thestrals on the
> List.
They have on The Big Kahuna...not only that Hagrid flew one to the hut
on the rock (though I think the idea he flew Sirius' motorcycle there
is more popular), but that Dumbledore flew one to the Ministry back
in PS when HRH were about to go after the Stone.
That Dumbldore-flying-to-the-ministry thing is still fishy, even with
thestrals to sweeten the ride. It still seems so much simpler and
quicker to walk out the gates and apparate.
I wonder if Voldemort is afraid of Thestrals?
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