[the_old_crowd] Re: Connecting the dots- how Quirrell fits in (long - part 3 of 3)

Constance Vigilance constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Tue Mar 29 04:24:30 UTC 2005

It's so nice of you guys to humor me. :)

I was just reading all these posts about "early books
are important" and "possession is important" and
everything that I just had to post my theory once more
or burst. Which would have been messy.

> Neri:
> Now that I think about it, Luna and her father were
> planning an
> expedition to Sweden in the summer. They were going
> to search for a
> Crumple-Horned Snorkak, and you can be sure they
> won't be looking for
> it in the Stockholm zoo. They'll look in the far
> north, get lost in
> the taiga, cross the border to Norway by mistake,
> and they'll
> definitely find *something*. And it won't be a
> Crumple-Horned Snorkak,
> either. You never find the thing you're looking for
> in these
> expeditions. You always find something else. 

Yes. Isn't it interesting that once again, we are
drawn to Scandinavia. I suspect they will be
successful at finding that Snorkak. Could they also
find Durmstrang? Or Grindelwald? I'm beginning to like
the idea that he is alive as well.

> Neri, 
> whose first post as a newbie in HPfGU was the only
> reply to Constance
> Vigilance's Quirrell Is Alive TBAY.  

Ah, gee. Thanks. Too bad TBAY died. It was especially
great just before Book 5 while we battened down the
hatches for Hurricane Jo.

Carolyn pointed out that the Q-man could have been
DUMBLEDORE's first VWII victim. I hadn't considered


What we are supposed to believe is that nervous,
studious Quirrell who really preferred reading up on
DADA out of books, had suddenly decided to take a year
off, and then just happened to find Vapour!
Mort..and after his return, just happened to know that
the Philosopher's Stone was currently being kept in
Gringott's Bank at the time the story starts. 


I'm not surprised that he found Vapor!Mort. He went
out LOOKING for trouble, in a manner of speaking. I
think he could have heard rumors of strange things
happening to animals and followed the trail to the
forests of Albania. As for the stone and Gringott's,
I've said before that I think he had a confederate at
Gringott's. Hagrid says that only a Gringott's goblin
can open a secure vault. I tend to take him at his
word and assume that a goblin was involved. Couldn't
the inside-goblin at the bank pass the word along that
there is an item in a certain vault that might be of
interest to somebody with designs on immortality? The
whole goblin class seems a little dodgy to me.


There is only one person who could have given
permission for Quirrell's year off.  And only one
person likely to suggest the type of first-hand
knowledge of Dark Arts that was needed, and the travel
itinery. And who might decide to `share' his
specialised knowledge of alchemy and the stone with
such a `brilliant mind'?


Hmm. Interesting idea. I hadn't thought that my sweet
Q-man might have been "played" by the puppetmaster in
such a way. In that case, wouldn't it be even more
likely that DD would want to save his life? How cruel
would it be to trick him into a situation and then let
him die as a result?


We are otherwise asked to believe that DD and Snape,
with their subsequently revealed Legilimens skills,
sat at a staff dinner table night after night in
PS/SS, with Voldy wrapped up in a turban beside 


Actually, like time-turning, I think Legilimensy is a
problematic plot device. If Snape and DD can discerne
one's thoughts, then how did so many things get out of
control in every book? Turban!Voldy? Fake!Moody?
Scabbers? Unless the point is that they DID know those
things and there were all part of the plan? Yuck.

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