[the_old_crowd] Re: Manifesto?
ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Tue Mar 29 16:23:19 UTC 2005
On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 04:27:10PM -0000, davewitley wrote:
> > > Sean wrote:
> > > > the reaction to the Lupinlore Manifesto has been most instructive
> Thank you
> Presumably the instructiveness of the reaction lies in the way people
> treat a purely imaginative world as if it is real? Or am I missing
> something?
Actually, they're demanding that the author _make_ it real to their
specifications. Lupinlore's problem with DD is that he professes to so care
about Harry, he doesn't tell him for years the true implications of his scar,
yet leaves him for years with the Dursleys. LL can only believe this is a
mistake by JKR, or worse, a deliberate choice. He wants it fixed. He probably
thinks he's being helpful. That's the kind of success as a writer you really
don't want, and you can bet that any number of inconsistencies are going to be
left inconsistent just so JKR has some sanity left.
Whether you agree with Puppetmaster!DD or not, a fair reading of the situation
would be that DD has made a difficult choice, but the best one in the
circumstances. It's realistic in the sense that like the real world, there
_are_ no perfectly correct choices, but easy ones often disguise complicated
repercussions that have even worse solutions. That's my take on it, and
anyway, wizards don't apologize. But LL is stuck in a characterization logic
loop. It's like complaining that Rick is inconsistent in Casablanca, or that
Gandalf should have helped the Shire against Saruman. It ignores the story.
When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.
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