Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Fri May 13 09:46:23 UTC 2005
After months of somnolence JKR's site has some updates - unfortunately they
don't tell us much.
I reckon we've got all we're going to get on long-standing questions until well
after the book hits the stands. And given JKR's reluctance to discuss spoiler
aspects of the most recently published book before the slowest reader in the
universe has inched through it a syllable at a time I'd be surprised if there were
much in the way of confirmation/denial of fan theories/questions/conclusions
for quite some time.
Ah, well, 'twas ever thus.
As usual it'll probably be the questions (? at the weekend thrash in Edinburgh?)
that she won't answer that'll give us pointers maybe.
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