[the_old_crowd] OT, Personal: New Baby

Penny & Bryce pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Fri May 13 18:29:06 UTC 2005

Hi --

> Penny
> (delighted to report that baby Harry has been sleeping through the night for a month
> now.......yippee!)

JoAnna: <<<Lucky duck.  Did you stock up on Sleeping draughts from Madam Pomfrey?  And could you
share?  Elanor has slept through the night once so far (from 1am-7am) and it doesn't look
like it'll be a repeat performance anytime soon...>>>>>>>>

Sorry, no sage advice or sleeping draughts ..... just dumb luck perhaps!  You might see if you can get her to "stock up" for the night in the early evening hours.  

Good luck!


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