How It All Ends and Other Blather

Geoff Bannister gbannister10 at
Sun Nov 13 20:26:15 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Barry Arrowsmith" 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:

> Those of a religious bent generally concentrate on the New Testament 
> for their parallels; me, I see no problem in going back to the Old - 
> The Fall. It's what started all the trouble in the first place, if 
you believe
> that sort of thing. Seem to recall a serpent played a major role in 
> one too.

Well, I'm not bent or religious - but I am an evangelical Christian and 
quite agree with your point, as any Christian would that the problem 
started at the Fall.

Evil has been around almost since the beginning because of the 
overweening pride of Lucifer to consider himself equal or greater than 
God. And it is often his followers who most obviously do the damage.

It is interesting that fiction often picks up on the same themes; for 
example in "The Silmarillion", Melkor challenges Eru and falls from 
grace to become Morgoth and it is his underling, Sauron, who is 
creating the most havoc in Middle-Earth during the currency of LOTR.  

Voldemort is only one new manifestation of the Dark side. Doubtless 
when he is overcome, there will be a future Dark Lord for future 
generations to contend with.

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