[the_old_crowd] OT mysterious quote (was: Horcrus disposal (was Re: The List update))
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Fri Oct 14 03:15:05 UTC 2005
I must say that I like your name...
I just finished reading all 7 books about Narnia for
the first time. I had read "The Lion, the Witch and
the Wardrobe" as a boy, but I had never bothered to
read the rest until now. I saw so many images that
appear in Harry Potter that I was amazed.
It seems to me that CS Lewis tossed a few acorns into
the fertile minds of young Brits, and JKR sprouted a
forest of oaks in Harry Potter. I can just see a
young girl ruminating about the stories over the years
and changing them around and around in her
subconscious. The characters spring to life with
whole new names and personalities and a new set of
stories to tell.
Now millions of young people are receiving the acorns
from JKR. Perhaps 40 years from now another brilliant
series will sprout.
Perhaps I should change my name to Ramandu and sing
the early morning song. I tend to write filks anyway.
By the way, I found some audio book CDs of the Narnia
series at the Library. The actor who played Professor
Lockhart reads "The Magician's Nephew".
Alas, farewell to you Potterheads and return to the
Dawn Treader to sail on toward Book Seven.....
Ramandu (er Randy)
--- Eustace_Scrubb <dk59us at ...> wrote:
> Eustace_Scrubb:
> > > Being a pedant (and a historian), I tried to
> find where
> > > Everything2.com was getting the source of the
> quote...and I can't find
> > > any direct attribution of this to
> MacArthur--only through the
> Princess Bride connection.
> >
> Pippin:
> > MacArthur met with JFK in April of 1961 and
> advised that "it would
> > be a mistake to fight in Laos" and that the line
> should be held at
> > Formosa, Japan and the Phillipines.
> >
> >
> > It seems that this became "it would be a mistake
> to
> > fight in Southeast Asia" in popular memory.
> >
> > Noam Chomsky in Rethinking Camelot quotes an
> article by Raskin
> > writing in The American Historical Review that
> MacArthur's successor
> > Ridgway "argued in a continuous barrage of
> memoranda that the United
> > should steer clear of an Asian land war." I
> haven't been able to
> > trace this one further though. Does anyone have
> access to the Raskin
> > article?
> > http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/rc/rc-c01-s26.html
> >
> > Pippin
> Eustace_Scrubb again:
> Haven't found that article, but this excerpt from
> The Pentagon Papers
> quotes President Johnson in a speech on 09-25-1964
> as follows:
> "There are those that say I ought to go north and
> drop bombs, to try
> to wipe out the supply lines, and they think that
> would escalate the
> war...But we don't want to get involved in a nation
> with seven hundred
> million people and get tied down in a land war in
> Asia."
> (see
> I am beginning to think that the phrase "land war in
> Asia" was simply
> in general use by the early-mid 1960s and that it
> may be difficult to
> trace its origin to a specific person. Maybe it was
> Scrimgeour?
> Cheers,
> Eustace_Scrubb
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