That Wonderful Obsession of Ours!
estesrandy at
Mon Oct 17 04:13:00 UTC 2005
Link to the midi for the tune:
That Wonderful Obsession of Ours!
Sung to the tune of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
(words by Randy Estes)
Follow the Hogwarts Express, Follow the Hogwarts Express
Follow, follow, follow, follow
And get to know the obsessed.
We read and write and then we discuss.
She changes the plot, and then we cuss.
And JKR keeps asking us
"Just what the heck is all the fuss?"
We're off to find the Wizard
The one who killed all of our friends
He killed some folks and made a horcrux
>From lockets and rings and such.
We're not quite sure whether on Snape to depend
Or whether Albus has met his end.
And nobody knows just how Book Seven will end!
We just know there is no Book Eight, my friend.
We're off to cook his gizzard
That Evil Dark Wizard named Tom
And Harry's getting' frisky
He kissed Ginny right on the lips.
And he has trouble when looking at her hips, her hips, her hips
You know he has trouble with relationships
Not to mention Jo sunk most of our ships!
(And now we've been meaning to give her a little shitz!)
Please make sure the kids are not reading this!
About Ron and Hermione
Some people are really quite pissed!
Follow the truly obsessed, follow the truly obsessed
And then your life can become
Just one great big magical mess!
We rearrange songs with new lyrics
And then we make fun of the new Potter flicks
And Internet fans start forming cliques
Like character relationships
About Ron and Hermione
Some people are really pissed off!
Perhaps Hermione's head has just gone a little soft!
Because they believe that he's not good enough
And then the women start getting rough.
But Ron fans say that's just a lot of bullocks!
And then the women start throwing rocks.
We must be off our Rockers!
That Wonderful Obsession of Ours!
J. Rowling thinks we're whining
She's written the text that she wants
And now she has cash to buy
And live in the south of France!
"I've written my books and taken my stance."
"The rest of you can write your own romance!"
And she won't give us even a second glance!
If she'd just give our ideas a second chance!
We'd love to read Book Seven
The one that she still hasn't done.
Follow the clues that she left, follow the clues that she left
Follow, follow, follow, follow
Follow the clues that she left.
What are the twelve uses for dragon's blood?
Will Snape redeem himself the way that he should?
And will Tom Riddle somehow be turned
by young Harry's magic to good?
We'd love to read Book Seven
The one that she still hasn't done.
There's so many things that she's just barely begun
We hope she won't skip over one
We can't believe the answers will all be done
The ending can't satisfy everyone.
The fans have been making their own for fun!
And all of our changes would weigh a ton!
We must be quite annoying
That Wonderful Obsession of Ours!
I could go on forever
Just like this darn midi does.
You have to stop the stupid song
Before you become a lost cause
My wife is asleep and the kids are in bed
And I'm still here typing what comes out of my head.
And tomorrow I have to go to work.
My boss will think I'm a stupid jerk.
I'm turning off the midi
And finally ending this song!
Red Eye Randy
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