[the_old_crowd] Subverting the genre?

S A H Culfeather Pookie1_uk at pookie1_uk.yahoo.invalid
Tue Oct 25 14:43:03 UTC 2005

SSSUSan this was far too tempting to ignore!!

<Kneasy reported, from "The Tough Guide to Fantasy

"Colour Coding is very important in Fantasyland.  2.
Hair.  Black hair is Evil, particularly if combined
with a corpse-white complexion. ...3. Eyes. Black eyes
are invariably Evil.
Well.  It's certainly looking bad, then, for my
DDM!Snape, isn't it?  Someone from the Pip! Squad of
Snape supporters want to help rebut this? :-)>

BUT you ignore this little gem:

<Fair hair, specially if it is silvery blonde  
always means goodness. (Whoops!)>

So, is nice Mr. Malfoy not a natural blonde????

OR maybe Snape deliberately dyes his hair dark to look
evil. Yes, that has to be it. He's naturally
nouse-brown and wanted to look more death-eatery!!!!


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