Snape's culpability again
susiequsie23 at
Fri Sep 2 22:52:50 UTC 2005
Eloise wrote:
>>>Of course, the mercy killing argument may be invoked here, but
personally I can't see Dumbledore begging for mercy in that way and I
don't think that was what he was asking him to do. (He may have been
asking him to kill him, but I don't think he was begging to be put out
of his misery).
By intervening, Snape not only saved Draco from killing (not that I
think he was up to it) but prevented any of the others on the tower
from doing the deed. That *does* suggest that there was some reason
for *him* to do it. But what the intent was, I don't think we can
know. Did he think he could do something in the guise of an AK to
help Dumbledore? Was it a case of bowing to the inevitable? Was it a
case of Snape Triumphant, getting his revenge at last?<<<
I think you're correct that it was not DD begging Snape to put him out of his misery but a matter of bowing to the inevitable. I believe DD was dying, and by having Snape AK him, he: 1) made certain Draino wouldn't have the chance to rise to the murder challenge in the (unlikely) event that he was hit with a sudden fit of resolve; and 2) made certain Voldy would discover that Snape was NOT loyal to DD. (Pippin's stated this nicely before: Voldy might still not fully trust Snape is loyal to him, but he'd likely now at least trust that Snape wasn't loyal to DD.) This helps in the overall cause by getting Snape closer to Voldy, in a position where he might eventually be able to do some major damage or help Harry.
>>>It is perfectly logical he knew he was doomed. In which case, as I
say there was no need to do anything unless he wanted to end his
suffering quickly. And hot shot wizard as he is, he should know that
if his intent wasn't up to it, the AK wouldn't work properly.<<<
Actually, as I've just said above, in having Snape DO something -- AK'ing (real or fake) DD -- there *is* the advantage of what this says to Voldy. If Snape just stood there and watched DD die, the DEs could report that Snape had not *helped* DD, but they couldn't report that he'd *killed* DD. I think Voldy would be much more impressed with the latter.
One thing I'd like to add that I've not seen others mention. If I'm right that DD asked Snape to kill him -- and I don't care if it was pre-planned in detail, pre-planned in "someday this might present itself and you're going to have to do it," or spur of the moment -- I know some people have a problem with the notion of DD asking someone to commit murder, of asking a person to do something which rips his soul. Now, *I* happen to think (no canon support, I know!) that a "mercy killing" or perhaps better stated a "killing commanded by a superior officer in time of war" just might not cause the soul to rip the way that a cold-blooded murder does.
But even if it does... might it not be that this horrible thing, this ripping of the soul, is simply the *penance* Snape is paying for the mistakes he's made? Snape was a DE. Likely he participated in some pretty nasty actions as a DE. He also is responsible for providing Voldy with the partial prophecy info which eventually led to the attack at GH. Many people would like to see Snape suffer, to be punished for past sins/crimes. Being asked to do something like this -- to kill the man he, imo, cared most about in his life -- and to rip his own soul in the process... wouldn't that be the kind of suffering some people are asking for? Wouldn't it be Snape's penance??
>>>Well, it certainly will be difficult and he'd better do a hell of a
lot of growing up over the holidays, because for Harry to realise
that there was no murder on Snape's part will mean that he realises
that it was *he* who caused Dumbledore's death by force feeding him
the fatal potion, or at the very best it was a combined effort by him
feeding him the potion and by Snape blasting him off the tower (and
personally I don't believe that JKR will make the death as
complicated as that). Yes, he was acting under orders, but would that
do anything to assuage his feelings of guilt? Would he be in any
frame of mind by the end of the next book to forgive Snape?<<<
Well, if Snape *also* was following orders in casting the AK (or if Pippin's right, in at least in sending DD over the top of the astronomy tower), Harry might just realize that he & Snape have something in common. THAT could be an important realization.
Siriusly Snapey Susan
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