OT stuff and welcome

Amanda exslytherin at exslytherin.yahoo.invalid
Mon Sep 5 14:45:13 UTC 2005

> Ginger:
> Anyway, welcome to Mandy.  Don't worry about fitting in with the 
> witty conversation here.  If nothing else, lurk and learn about 
> stuff.  That's what I do.
> Ginger,  back to the website

Thanks Ginger. I'm not worried.  I just have a huge amount to say about 
HBP but know that I need to take the time to read back over all the 
threads so far, so I don't piss you all off repeating stuff.  Which is 
exactly what I hated at HPforGU.  

Mandy, who will be lurking for a bit, unless I just can't help myself.

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