Re: [the_old_crowd] THE OLD CROWD - INTRO
Amanda Geist
editor at
Mon Sep 5 15:16:26 UTC 2005
I will try to remember to be Amandageist when I sign, because when I post
from webview it only shows "Amanda" as the sender. Not that I post enough
for things to get confusing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amanda" <exslytherin at ...>
To: <the_old_crowd at>
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:52 PM
Subject: [the_old_crowd] THE OLD CROWD - INTRO
Thanks for the invite; I'm thrilled to be here. I recognize so many
names of my favorite posters from HP for Grown Ups.
I feel like I've missed most of the post HBP discussion, although I
know it will continue until book 7 comes out. I hope I will be able
to catch up soon, and contribute in a productive way. want to actually know about me? I'm flattered, and a little
intimidated. The pressure to be witty and brilliant, you know? I
find I have a wonderful, if false, since of security in being
completely anonymous on the Internet, but then again, I've started
blogging recently, so now I'm regularly pouring out my soul to anyone
who cares to take the time to read my scribblings.
Cheers, Mandy
***Name: Amanda
***Nicknames/IDs: Mandy, ExSlytherin, Red (Not to be used by anyone
but my spouse.)
***Age: Sorry. Thirty something is all you get.
***Family: Husband, two cats, mum, dad, brother, laws etc.
***Home: New York, NY.
***Birthday, Place of Birth: 23 December. Southampton, England
***Education/Job/Role in Life etc: Blimey.the short of it is; I'm an
actor/writer. (Read: woefully under-educated.) Wife, lover and very
***Other things we might want to know about you: Hummm. I'm a history
buff. Love history! Also have a fascination with combat, warfare and
weapons. Unusual for a girl, but there it is.
***First contact with Harry Potter: 2000 right after the publication
of the Goblet of Fire. I was in an Opera at the Lincoln center.
(Before you get too impressed I can't actually sing. I had one of
those non-singing roles you get in Opera sometimes.) About 5 members
of the cast were planning to line up outside B&N, at midnight, to buy
their copies of the new Harry Potter book. Odd, I thought that these
educated, literate and intelligent adults were getting so worked up
over a children's book. They, in turn, were amazed I hadn't even
heard of these British books, as I was a Brit myself. Needless to
say they were all avidly devouring their copies of GoF back stage for
the next week and, I began to think there had to be something to all
this madness. I want out a bought PS/SS the next day and was
hooked. The damn books are like crack! Not that I would know what
crack is like.
***Favorite Potter things:
Fav Book: PoA I cry every time I read about Sirius and Remus hugging
like brothers.
Fav Characters: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black
Lestrange. Oh, and since HBP - Tom Riddle.
Fav Ships: Realistically: Harry/Luna. My fantasy ship: Sevvy/Cissy.
My XXX Fantasy ship: Lucius/Ginny. (And this from a woman who used to
hate to ship. Heh.)
Fav Fics: Yes, I read. Mostly the smutty stuff. If you want
recomendations just ask.
Fav Objects: My favorite in the books are the Pensive, the Mirror of
Erised and the Time Turner. In real live my Hogwart's cap.
***Extent of Potter obsession: Being in B&N in Union Square
listening to Jim Dale on July 16th 2005, and screaming when the giant
count-down clock hit midnight. Dressing up as Draco's wet dream for
Halloween last year. Basically it was a twist on the sexy, Slytherin,
schoolgirl costume. Oh, and owning three sets of the canon, US
editions and both the UK adult and kids editions. All in hard cover.
***Other interests/activities: Performing, writing, fencing and
martial arts, stage and film combat, reading, Shakespeare. Wine, good
food and great friends.
***Current/recent reading: The HP canon (again), Eats, Shoots and
Leaves, The Story of O. I recommend: His dark Materials, Jonathan
Strange and Mr. Norrel and anything by Alexander Dumas.
***Current/recent listening: Hum, mostly talk radio.
***Current/recent viewing: TV - Rome, Deadwood, Battlestar Galatica.
Film - Sin City, The Brothers' Grimm.
SPONSORED LINKS Jk rowling Harry potter and the half blood prince Half
blood prince
Goblet of fire
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