Return the Hx to the fires of Mount Doom

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at
Tue Sep 6 17:20:49 UTC 2005

I know that the Tolkein parallels in the HP epic are
old news for the Old Crowd, but I just had a
forehead-slapping moment when I realized the
similarities between "The One Ring" and the
Hinkeypunks. It was he "The One Ring" that Isildur
failed to destroy in the fires of Mount Doom  -
containing some part of Sauron / the dark lord / the
one who shall not be named - that allowed Sauron to
continue to survive as vapor and shadow in the dark
forest - biding his time until his return to power. It
was therefore Frodo's destiny to destroy the ring (the
hockeypux) in order to destroy Sauron. 

The good news for our hero is that DD already
destroyed "The One Ring."  The bad news is ... LV
liked to accessorize ... and has more Higgley-pigglies
out there, and our hero doesn't know into which firey
mountains the other Horseradishes need to be shoved. 


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