A Simpler Scenario

pippin_999 foxmoth at pippin_999.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 6 20:38:18 UTC 2005

> Can't see how iit simplifies things much - just the opposite.
> Nor can I understand this reluctance to believe that ole Snapey
> AK'd DD. It's  the simplest solution of all.
> If Snape is ESE there's no more to be said.
> If Snape isn't, then it rests on the nature of the Cave potion.
> The Inferi are undead that serve Voldy. Is it impossible that
> DD, by drinking the potion, could also be enslaved to Voldy? Or
> to suffer something equally nasty?
> Would he then wish to live?
> I doubt it. Death doesn't seem to be such a big deal in HP.
> The loss of the Stone means sure and certain death for the Flamels.
> Does anyone care much?  Apparently not. It's treated as no more
> than an interesting change of circumstance; not an end but a phase
> boundary.
> "There are worse things than death, Tom." And glugging down that
> potion could well have been one of them.



Good point. Actually we already know of something you can drink
that's worse than dying. Unicorn blood. And it wouldn't surprise me
at all if there was some in the basin. Very clever that -- the poison
starts killing you immediately, but the unicorn blood keeps you
alive for a while so Voldy can interrogate you. 

That makes sense out of Dumbledore's agonies too, if whoever
drinks unicorn blood takes on the guilt of slaying the innocent
unicorns who gave it.

But I want it to be a fake AK because I don't think you can use one
to kill a person without evil intent. After all, the wizards have
lots of potentially fatal spells at their disposal. You can
something and drop it on a skull, you can blow a hole in someone's
heart with reducto, you could stun them and let them fall off a
the possibilities are endless. Why then have such a horror of this
one particular spell? 


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