A Simpler Scenario

annemehr annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 7 13:51:22 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith"
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> Interestingly, Jo's metaphysics are somewhat limited, if not tinged with
> with partiality.
> GoF chap. 14, The Unforgivable Curses.
> "The use of any one of them on a fellow human being is enough to earn
> a life sentence in Azkaban."

Unless you're Harry, apparently.  Or is that just because he can't
manage to do one properly?

> Zap Dobby (yes please!), Grawp, Firenze or the manager at Gringotts
> and you'll probably be all right. Do the world a favour by giving Luna
> the green light and it's "Go to goal, go directly to goal, do not
pass Go,
> do not collect 200 Galleons.
> Hardly seems fair, does it? 

{Shakes off image of Luna playing footie on a Monopoly board} If
you're going to spell "jail" funny, at least get it right. :P  
Anyway, I thought that inconsitency wasn't Jo's metaphysics, but meant
to be the mean, nasty, wizarding powers-that-be's prejudices?  Or did
I miss your point?

> By the same token if DD can be proved not to be human, Snape can be 
> excused his AK not matter what his motives were.
> Now there's a nice little project for someone.
> Kneasy

I don't know if I can manage that, but I think you just knocked all
the teeth out of the "must Harry murder?" angst (which I admit to
having felt) that we had so much of after OoP.  If there's not enough
human left in LV to die ('cause too much of it is scattered across the
country in Riddle's little souvenirs), then there's not enough human
left in him to cause a pang over doing an AK, either.  But it feels
like a cheat.  If Harry's going to kill somebody, let him really kill
a real somebody, or it won't really mean anything.

Now I'm just wondering how Harry got from "[Harry's]life must end in,
or include, murder" to "damn straight, I want Voldemort offed, and I
want to be the one to do it" (slight paraphrase, there).


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