Jen Reese stevejjen at
Sun Sep 11 15:53:09 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "hg_skmg" <hg_skmg at y...> wrote:
> Hello, folks, and many thanks to you all for allowing me to share 
> board space with such distinguished posters....

Jen: So glad you made it, hg. I didn't see your name in the 
membership list for a bit after the invite--figured it was those 
four kids keeping you busy ;). Btw, I don't think we've had much 
discussion on Slughorn at TOC yet; hopefully you'll have time to put 
something together? Reading analysis at hpfgu has me wondering about 
his role in book 7.

> hg:Order of the Phoenix was my favorite book.  I love the old guys,
> the history; I love the pace of that book, the time taken, the
> excessive length (yes).  HBP was nicely pared down for more rapid
> pace and for the purpose of getting the information out (and so
> much of it) -- but it seemed she trimmed too much in some areas.

Jen:  The feel of OOTP reminded me of the I-ching hexagram, 
Stagnation: "The forces in nature are in a state of perfect and 
undiscriminating impasse, there is no responsive action between 
things, and nothing productive can be accomplished. The lines of 
communication are down. Because of this there is no understanding of 
what is needed, and growth cannot continue." (I-Ching, R.L. Wing).

I found OOTP difficult to read on an emotional level, even though I 
could appreciate JKR introducing Harry to the MOM and St. Mungos, 
and especially liked the opening sequence with the dementors, Mrs. 
Figg revealing herself and Petunia revealing *herself* to be a 
little more knowledgeable than previously thought.

Since I'm terribly predictable and love treatise on human behavior, 
HBP was a joy to read. Finally understanding how Riddle evolved into 
Voldemort, learning where he's strong and where he's weak, opened up 
the series again for me. Probably why I've been on a posting binge 
and trying to rein myself in. :)

> ***Extent of Potter obsession:
> I spent several months post-OoP compiling an obscene number of 
> possible anagrams for "Droobles Best Blowing Gum."

Jen: Did you think when JKR shut off speculation about the sweet 
wrappers, she was also sending a message that neither of the 
Longbottoms, specifically Alice, will ever make a partial recovery? 
I've been holding out hope, but when JKR compared that scene to the 
story of a woman with Alzheimer's & noted it as a 'character 
moment', there seemed to be a certain finality to it. Just as magic 
can't bring someone back from the dead, there are also magical 
afflictions the WW can't cure. Wah. 

Jen, wondering where posts go when you hit 'send' and get re-
directed to the password page, then sent to the Yahoo homepage? It's 
a mystery, like losing socks in the dryer. 

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