hg_skmg at
Sun Sep 11 21:16:27 UTC 2005
> Jen: So glad you made it, hg...Btw, I don't think we've had much
> discussion on Slughorn at TOC yet; hopefully you'll have time to
put something together? Reading analysis at hpfgu has me wondering
about his role in book 7.
Oh, I will, I have plenty of thoughts about Slughorn. I'll read
through the list and see how to fit some of my ideas into established
> Since I'm terribly predictable and love treatise on human behavior,
> HBP was a joy to read. Finally understanding how Riddle evolved
into Voldemort, learning where he's strong and where he's weak,
opened up the series again for me. Probably why I've been on a
posting binge and trying to rein myself in. :)
That was what I enjoyed best about HBP (and of course Slughorn). Yet
I was sad that Voldemort, Snape and Draco becoming well-rounded came
at the expense of an almost short-hand expression (IMO) of some of
the other characters, notably Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, even
But starting the book out directing us to suspect that anyone could
be not who they appear to be -- with the Ministry leaflet, the
discussion of code-phrases, and Slughorn's chair impersonation --
drew me in entirely and gave me plenty to chew on.
> hg:
> > ***Extent of Potter obsession:
> > I spent several months post-OoP compiling an obscene number of
> > possible anagrams for "Droobles Best Blowing Gum."
> Jen: Did you think when JKR shut off speculation about the sweet
> wrappers, she was also sending a message that neither of the
> Longbottoms, specifically Alice, will ever make a partial recovery?
> I've been holding out hope, but when JKR compared that scene to the
> story of a woman with Alzheimer's & noted it as a 'character
> moment', there seemed to be a certain finality to it. Just as magic
> can't bring someone back from the dead, there are also magical
> afflictions the WW can't cure. Wah.
Oh, yes, I agree. Reading that in the interview was so
discouraging. All that hard work down the drain...and all that hope
I invested in poor Alice and Frank.
But what I find more disturbing about the Longbottoms now, after HBP,
is that it seems Dumbledore never went to see if there were any
retrievable memories in their brains, like with Morfin and Hokey. I
think that if there were anything useful, it could have been related
to knowledge of Horcruxes (the DEs had come to the Longbottoms
looking for info about the whereabouts of Voldemort) and then would
have been conveyed to Harry in the course of HBP. Regardless of
Horcruxes, if Dumbledore didn't ever try to gain any memories from
them, why? And why didn't he ever go interview Sirius in Azkaban, as
he did with Morfin? It makes me wonder...I'll have to poke around
the list and see if anyone has been dishwashing...
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