Is Harry a Horcrux?
kking0731 at
Mon Sep 12 02:06:06 UTC 2005
The problem with Horcrux's is that no one seems to know for sure what
would happen if you split your soul more than twice or if you used a
soul-full container (such as Harry who already has one) as a Horcrux.
With such lack of information anything is possible.
We have known since COS that Voldy left a bit of himself in Harry.
This statement by Dumbledore appears to assure us that Harry could be
a possible Horcrux:
"Voldemort put a bit of himself in me?" Harry said,
thunderstruck. "It certainly seems so." COS pg. 333 U.S.
Well there you have it, Voldemort putting a piece of himself in an
object equals Horcrux
or does it? Did Voldemort intend on supplying
infant Harry with a bit of his soul? Intent must be a factor in
making a Horcrux; the story thus far has held "intent" in the highest
regard. (You must mean what you are saying if you expect results from
unforgivable curses. You must say the incantation correctly to
produce the effect; Wingardium Leviosa) According to Dumbledore, same
page as previous quote, "Unless I'm much mistaken, he transferred
some of his own powers to you the night he gave you that scar. Not
something he intended to do, I'm sure
So without intent could Voldemort have turned Harry into a soul-
containing Horcrux? Well maybe unintentionally
The dearly beloved prophecy tells us that The Dark Lord will
mark "him" as his equal. Did Voldemort intend on marking the baby as
his equal? Very doubtful I would think. Now we are back to the fact
that Harry 'Does' have a bit of Voldemort, in fact more than a bit
at least half would make Harry equal to Voldemort. So how did Harry
unintentionally obtain any of Voldemort?
I'd like to take you all for a little trip inside my own Pencieve to
some of my earlier posts on this very subject. From Sept. of last
year on Hpfgu post # 112723 snipped:
"Voldemort's plan may have been to go to GH and kill the prophecy
child but once Voldemort had destroyed Harry's protectors, James and
Lily, he had an opportunity to observe the child before he killed
him. It was just Voldemort and baby Harry starring at each other
Snape said in the Occlumency chapter "It (Legilemency) is the ability
to extract feelings and memories from another person's mind." (Not
just looking into someone's mind but to extract from the mind.) When
Harry used the `protection' spell, Protego, during Occlumency lessons
with Snape, Snape's memories were the ones that were extracted and
seen by Harry in Harry's mind. Lily had used a type of protection
spell, which could have acted somewhat the same way as Harry's
Protego. When Voldemort made the attempt at killing Harry, Voldemort
may have been looking into Harry's eyes (Lily's eyes) and instead of
Harry receiving Voldemort's memories he received some of Voldemort's
powers that could not return to its own body where it belonged
because the curse he had used already rebounded at the same time,
which meant there was no body to go back to."
Next Pencieve post #113490 snipped:
"I still think Lily used a shield charm of protection like
the protego charm that Harry used against Snape during Occlumency
(difference being she used herself as the shield of protection, hence
the blood protection). The effect, if Lily had used this same type
charm, could have had somewhat the same effect as in the lesson with
Snape except that Harry retained the part of Voldemort that rebounded
(like Snape's memory).
Voldemort clearly did not protect his mortal body with his endeavors
to insure immortality. The killing curse ripped Voldemort from his
body but his soul, or being, was protected through his attempts at
assuring himself immortality. If you look back at the incident in
Occlumency with Snape, Snape says `ENOUGH' before his memories, that
Harry is viewing, are returned to him which left Snape shaking
slightly and white in the face as if it were an effort. Harry also
had a staggering effect from this encounter. Voldemort's body would
have been separated from Voldemort's being before he could have
retaliated against Harry's protection to stop the process. With no
body in which to perform the command, Harry retained part of
Voldemort. This Protego effect is only seen during the use of
Legilemens from Snape on Harry therefore for this to be the effect
that took place at GH, Voldemort would have had to be using
Legilemens. I think it was...for several reasons: The constant
reminder that there is something about Lily's eyes and Harry's (you
need eye contact in Legilemency) along with the description of the
effect that is produced when both spells are used.
I don't see Voldemort intentionally killing Harry, at least not right
off. You would think that power hungry Voldemort would have been at
least a little curious as to what this `power' was or if this baby
indeed had any powers at all before proceeding to kill the child. I'm
going to base my suspicions that Voldemort was curious on Diary Tom's
curiosity of meeting with Harry for the same reasons; to see if there
was anything special about him."
The last back post was spawned by the above quoted thoughts which I
entitled Satellite!Harry:
These were all thoughts about a year ago that I favor even more since
the latest book.
Can it be concluded that Harry is indeed a Horcrux because he has
some of Voldemort in him? I would have to say no, not intentionally
or otherwise because, as I see it, Voldy is only sharing that last
piece of soul with Harry. This is something he hadn't planned on or
has yet to figure out. Sure, Voldemort has found that Harry has
access to his thoughts but he doesn't know why, he doesn't fully
understand the connection any more than Harry. (Now Dumbledore is the
horse of a different color. Puppetmaster has nothing on this man even
to the point of death
all for the greater good of course)
Book six shows absolutely no access to Voldemort's current thoughts
and no searing scar pain to warn Harry. Voldemort knows that Harry
has this ability, even if he doesn't know why, and has blocked Harry
(probably through Occlumency) from gaining any knowledge of his
current agenda.
However, the book does carry on with the dark side of Harry's
persona, which is the Voldemort connection. The Voldemort dark side
that lies within Harry has shown increasingly clearer with each book
and more so with the prominent presence of Voldemort. We can first
take true notice of this dark side of Harry in Goblet and how it
becomes much more noticeable in OOP. This dark side of Harry is still
visible in HBP with Harry's attempts at an unforgivable (again) and
his curiosity with the Prince and his handbook. This dark side
behavior is not the natural Harry-gift that can subdue the Dark Lord
for good, but rather an influence from an outward connection to an
inward presence. This connection between Voldemort and Harry,
although similar to being a Horcrux, is unique because Voldemort is
still very much attached to the piece of soul that is shared by the
two of them.
Although Harry does have a Horcrux-like appearance, I don't believe
that he will have to sacrifice himself to rid the final piece of
Voldemort soul from his being. I think because it is a shared bit of
soul, Harry's fight will really be internal. So much has been made of
the importance of Harry learning Occlumency, even up to the end of
HBP when Snape warns Harry of its importance yet again, that it will
surely play a huge role in the finality. If Voldemort has any greater
influence in Harry's thought processes than he had in OOP, via the
connection, Harry will certainly need to stop such invasions through
the use of the repeatedly important Occlumency.
Why should Occlumency be so dire a request by Dumbledore and now
Snape in his parting words unless, of course, it is essential to the
final confrontation? If it is essential and both Snape and Dumbledore
are aware of such, wouldn't it then follow that they have both been
aware of the exact connection that Harry has with Voldemort? Why
can't they tell Harry of this connection? I would have to say it's
for the same obscure reason Dumbledore hesitates to allow Harry too
much information on any given subject. "Figure it out for yourself
Harry because it's your choice after all... wouldn't want to
influence you beyond a few properly chosen hints. Harry pssst
Well I think I've rambled on long enough for now.
Snowas always thinking too much
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