[the_old_crowd] Re: Death, Killing and Harry's Angst (WAS: A Simpler Scenario

Magda Grantwich mgrantwich at mgrantwich.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 15 13:32:39 UTC 2005

--- potioncat <willsonkmom at ...> wrote:

> While I'm assuming 
> his "Severus, please" was his request for death, I'm open to other 
> views. 

I tend to believe that it was an all-purpose plea from a man who was
dying to a younger man he trusted to clean up the whole mess: get the
DE's out of the castle, minimize the danger to the school and the
students, rescue Draco from taking the irrevocable step of becoming a
murderer, save Dumbledore from a fate worse than death (I think the
stuff that Dumbledore drank wasn't just poison but was turning him
into an Inferi) and - by no means least - leave the relative safety
of Hogwarts to come out in the open as a Voldemort supporter and kick
off the endgame that will result in Harry's triumph at the end of
Book 7.

I don't think it was ultra-fast legilimacy messaging or anything like
that; Snape and DUmbledore would have worked out a number of
worst-case scenarios and this could have fallen into that category.


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