Spoiling the fun
carolynwhite2 at carolynwhite2.yahoo.invalid
Sat Sep 17 14:39:05 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> OK, it's her book and she can do as she wishes
> However, it's my contention that much of the fan output that hits
the boards is not about what HP will be as about what might be, what
could be. It's an on-going demonstration of fan imaginations, not
the author's.
> As the series has neared its conclusion a narrowing of
possibilities was inevitable. Theories have lost supporters as their
likelihood diminished, though a remarkable number have never been
totally eliminated.
In the meantime there are a few thoughts and theories I hope to
inflict on a long-suffering membership, but that won't be feasible if
Jo voluntarily discredits them before they're even written.
Well, as I've said offlist, actually my enthusiasm for the old
theories has revived the more we limp towards the conclusion. Frankly
I don't care if all she's really being trying to do is to write some
soppy, quasi-religious kid's morality story with a creaky plot. Why
should I be interested in that?
Far more fascinating (to me) are the speculations of some very, very
clever, dead funny and often twisted minds from all over the world as
to what might have been, could have been. It's an exercise in popular
literary criticism on an epic scale, never been anything like it.
Plus all the attendant huffing and puffing that ensues when people's
assumptions and comfort zones thump right into those of others coming
from completely the opposite direction.
Whatever she attempts to do to finish off her story, I do hope that
at some point we can present her with an edited account of just where
other people took her plot and characters. Hopefully she'll laugh
An enthusiastic Toadkeeper II, Fourth Man, CRAB CUSTARD, MD and ESE!
Lupin supporter, with a side order of Tricked!Wormtail, Snape for
President, oh and not forgetting little Miss Whiplash.
Kneasy, don't you dare stop posting! The blacker the better at this
stage I think.
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