Underage magic?
judy at judyserenity.yahoo.invalid
Sun Sep 18 19:16:12 UTC 2005
Anne said, in regards to the MoM detecting magic:
> As for the magic Riddle did on Morfin, all of that occured within a
> known magical household.
True, but only one person lived in it, so having Stunning or Memory
Modification spells going on was odd. For that matter, Stunning and
Memory Modification are the sorts of things one would think the MoM
would want to keep an eye on in general (along with AK and so
forth.) This is one of the reasons why I tend to think the Ministry
doesn't have the resources to monitor magic in general, and just spot-
> I would think any Order member would know perfectly well
> that the MoM was carefully watching Privet Drive, so if
> they were going there to
> pick up Harry, they'd take care of the Ministry ahead of time
Quite possible -- that idea was discussed here before. I agree that
there are ways of explaining away the inconsistencies in the
Ministry's detection of magic; my point was merely that there is, in
fact, inconsistency that needs explaining.
> Which leaves for discussion the fact that Mundungus apparated away
> from Privet Drive in the middle of his shift. My thought is that
> someone in the Ministry knew about these extra guards on Harry who
> were friends of Dumbledore's. Then Umbridge probably also found out
> when Dung deserted his post, which is how she knew when to send the
> Dementors; otherwise, it's too much of a coincidence that they
> arrived when Harry was unprotected.
Good theory! I like it!
-- Judy
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