Spoiling the fun

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Mon Sep 19 19:18:36 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
>  Of course if  our theories are interesting in themselves
> and not merely outrageous perversions of canon invented in the hopes 
> of a scandalized response, then they might be worth exploring 
> in their own right.
> There is such a thing as *original* fiction, you know <g>.

No posted theory is comprehensible without the books as background.
How such ideas could be worth exploring in their own right defeats me,
since they have no independent existence of their own, being parasitic 
constructs. The theories exist solely through and because of the Harry 
Potter of J.K.Rowling.

Dreaming up a rather neat idea for a potential plot twist hardly qualifies 
as original fiction IMO, especially when the characters and situations have
been nicked from existing books  and when the quotes and references 
used to support each theory is also lifted straight from those books. 
What you are in effect doing is taking existing pieces of the jig-saw and 
shuffling them around. Where's the originality? 

And if you don't believe me, just try getting them published as an original 
work without the say-so of JKR or Warner Bros and see what happens.
Instant penury, that's what.
To be original a writer/author has to work rather harder than that.


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