What's in a Patronus?
annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 21 01:48:59 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, ewe2 <ewetoo at g...> wrote:
> What's in a Patronus?
> What indeed, eh? Silmariel and Ewe2 present the theory of
Narcissa!Tonks and
> daddy dragon Snape.
<snip theory>
INteresting. Just wanted you two to know your theory hasn't got lost
on here! I'm working through it, and it feels like the old days.
It would go a little easier if you'd cite chapters, though. <_<
Why would Narcissa!Tonks rescue Harry from the Hogwarts Express,
though? Even if she was anti-Voldemort, she still can't like Harry --
what would it hurt if he stewed in his own juices partway back to
London? Was she just keeping her cover?
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