[the_old_crowd] A Look Back was Re: 'Clue to his vulnerability' (Coming to a conclusion )
Parker Brown Nesbit
pbnesbit at harpdreamer.yahoo.invalid
Fri Sep 23 23:10:56 UTC 2005
Kathy wrote:
>What I hear several of you saying (yeah, I studied a bit of
>psychiatry) is that "the books are beginning to lose some of their
>sparkle; things aren't going quite the way you had expected; is that
>all there is?"
>Clarify something for me though, what first brought you into the
>books? Not, why did you start reading them, but what captured you and
>started you on this time consuming hobby of Harry Potter and the...
>What about the story really got your attention? And then, what
I'd like to know this too, Kathy. I'm hearing a *lot* of dissatisfation
from certain quarters (I won't name names, but you know who you are ;) ).
I'm wondering then, why read the books at all, if you don't like them?
>Before I go off on my experience, I'll wait to see what others say.
Me too.
>As for Codswallop...I don't dare utter it. Quite by accident I
>said "Bloody wicked!" the other day and my entire family walked away
>from me. I'm pretty sure no adult anywhere ever says, "Bloody
>wicked"...but oh well...
I'm an adult, and I say things like bloody wicked, codswollop, (plus a whole
lot more, especially some days) pretty much any early 18th-Century Royal
Navy slang, mixed with some nifty Shakespearean terms. The nice thing is,
you can be mad as heck, and nobody really catches it...nice when you've got
to watch you're language, lest a visitor walk in.
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