'Clue to his vulnerability' (Coming to a conclusion )

Lyn J. Mangiameli kumayama at kumayama.yahoo.invalid
Sat Sep 24 04:23:23 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "carolynwhite2" <carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> Well, my interpretation of his attempts to use Crucio is that he 
> meant them as much as he was able to at the time, and would 
> definitely have been very glad to have caused some serious hurt to 
> Bella and Snape. There is no doubt he wanted to avenge Sirius's 
> death, and I think it unlikely he would have felt sorry if he had 
> managed to kill her. Undoubtedly he now thinks the same way about 
> Snape. The sectum sempra incident is a bit different, in that he 
> stupidly had no idea what the curse would do, and not unreasonably 
> assumed it to be another schoolboy jinx - yes, he intended to hurt 
> Draco, but certainly not fatally.

Lyn now:
Yes! It always amuses me how the pacifists want to dance around the fact that Harry 
wanted that Crucio to work. He wanted Bella to suffer extreme pain for killing Sirius. 
Frankly, I'm rather dismayed he didn't try to kill her instead. And I suspect, if he had a bit 
more presence of mind, and capability, he would have gladly cut her down. And from my 
perspective, more power to him. She's the enemy, and had already shown she will destroy 
the lives (Frank, Alice, Sirius, and almost surely more) of both the "good guys" as Harry 
knows them, and likely the innocents as well. 

And I agree again with you about Draco. It was stupid to try a spell he had no idea the 
consequences, or even the effectiveness of. But, it seems it is often overlooked that he 
uttered that spell in an attempt to block an "unforgiveable" being used on him. This is the 
Harry who has been instrumental in the death of a Basilisk and Diary Riddle, I really felt his 
histrionics over the damage he did to Draco to be a bit overplayed. Indeed, I wonder now 
that he knows how Draco's efforts led to DD's death, if he isn't kind of regretting the SS 
didn't do the job.

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