'Clue to his vulnerability' (Coming to a conclusion )
willsonkmom at potioncat.yahoo.invalid
Sun Sep 25 19:11:38 UTC 2005
> Carolyn:
I guess all I can say is that I find
> it unlikely that JKR's writing could impact on my life to such an
> extent, whatever the message she's trying to get out, and very
> especially if it has any kind of religious content. I'm afraid I
> don't think she is an engaging enough or powerful enough novelist
> have the remotest chance of becoming my road to Damascus, even
> supposing I was looking.
I don't think JKR is trying to be anyone's road to Damascus. It's
pretty obvious that she has drawn on a wide range of readings and
teachings in her own story. So if the book 7 ends the story with a
theme that is consistent with Christian teachings, it would be
because that is her own foundation.
> Carolyn:
> (Boggling at Yankee sensibilities somewhat)..didn't you meet your
> husband in the navy?? This is surely pretty mild by comparison?!
> not olde englishe at all apparently - first used in print in the
> 1960s, origin unknown.
Yes we were both in the Navy...just not the Royal Navy. He would also
distance himself if I said "ya'll" or "youse", which I do sometimes
having lived in South Carolina and New Jersey.
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