The List update

Geoff Bannister gbannister10 at
Mon Sep 26 20:12:24 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:

> If  JKR shifts to the epic scale, I would expect some characters to
> meet their fate in a sentence or two, each "but a drop, though a 
> shining one, in a vast and sparkling sea" . That's the nature of
> the beast.

JKR has been very terse in getting some of her characters to shuffle 
off this mortal coil.

As an example, from the beginning of the Basilisk's entry in COS to 
Tom's exit occupies just under four pages. If you include the friendly 
and uplifitng exchanges of conversation between Tom and Harry as well, 
that only produces eleven pages.

Odds bodikins, at that rate you could dispose of a dozen or so of your 
favourite villains and still have time to write about five or six 
Quidditch matches....

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