Horcrus disposal (was Re: The List update)

davewitley dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 28 18:42:26 UTC 2005

Neri wrote:

> 2. She's going to cheat big time. Say, Draco mentioned only in
> passing, or the Hxs found and destroyed in one chapter each. 
> for BIG disappointments.

Interesting, that you think it would be disappointing for Harry to 
dispose of the Horcruxes quickly.  I take a different view.

I think JKR *could* write an interesting book in which a major 
element is a picaresque succession of Horcrux adventures.  It would 
be rather episodic.  However, it would IMO be seriously out of 
kilter with the rest of the series and the way it has been building 
up.  (Admittedly PS is very episodic, but the episodes are different 
from each other in character.)

What is needed, IMO, is some way to roll them up so they don't take 
too much page time and JKR can concentrate on the important stuff.  
For example, Voldemort gets really worried that RAB has been at them 
all and decides the current security arrangements are inadequate, so 
collects them all prior to hiding them again; or V now trusts Snape 
and tells him to go check them out, and Snape disposes of most of 
them off-page; or something rather better than either of those - my 
imagination is not very good for this type of thing.  You get the 

David, returning to TOC after a couple of weeks' inattention

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