Talisman talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Sun Apr 2 00:41:19 UTC 2006

I'm reflecting on the questions and trying to decide if there is any 
real opportunity to milk something *meaningful* from this.

Hopefully, the scoring will 1) be obvious or 2) come with some 

A lot of it seemed straightforward--hardly off the strict trivia 
track (and if so, not likely to yield new insights).

I'm likely to get some wrong, though.  For instance, I think that 
how newlyweds entertain each other is strictly their own business. ;)

If the score at least tells which you got right, and which wrong, 
maybe we can confirm *what Rowling thinks.*

For whatever that is worth.


PS There certainly has been a rise in the Wizard of the Month life 
span.  This continues to validate the idea that Rowling got a hint 
from the recent family tree discussions.

Grogan Stump seems to have sat as MoM for an incredible term of 

In the course of events, I noticed that the Lexicon does not 
currently acknowledge the Pest Sub-Division of the Department for 
the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. See e.g. FB 7.

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