JKR's door

annemehr annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Mon Apr 3 11:45:09 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "severelysigune"
<severelysigune at ...> wrote:
> I'm still missing all the fun... :( 
> I tried all the door handles, in and outside of the mirror, but the 
> bloody door just won't open. Any tips?
> Your severely,
> Sigune

I'll give you the whole process in steps, in case you want to try some
of this on your own (though at this point I could well imagine you
just want to get behind the dang door!).

First you have to pick up the rock from behind the plant pot (it's
just barely visible).  Then you drag it to the mirror and release it.
The mirror breaks.

Click on the note behind the mirror to read it.  Put the key into the
lock.  I don't think the mousetrap has any function, though it snaps.

Next, type "reparo" on your keyboard (you may have to have your cursor
over the broken mirror at this point).  *Then* you click on the door
in the mirror, and the other door will open.

On top of the desk is a graduation hat.  Move the gold cord to point
exactly due North -- the WOMBATS will come up -- and there you go.

who took the test not only with no consultations, but closed-book, and
surely did dreadfully

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