[the_old_crowd] Re: W.O.M.B.A.T.S

Kathy King kking0731 at snow15145.yahoo.invalid
Wed Apr 5 02:12:51 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "rebecca" <dontask2much at ...>


Marketing surveys, as you point out for the one you've been

>approached with in the mall, are all collectively analyzed this

way - >it's mathematically how you measure behaviors and market

trends or >interest on subjective answers.


While I wouldn't mind Rowling correcting errors or oversights caught

via feedback, I would be disgusted to find she had modified the

behavior of her characters--and so the argument of her series--to

pander to market tastes.

In an early interview she vowed not to do such a thing, and I'm

holding her to it.


I realize what you are saying, Talisman, and quite agree with you if that
was the reasoning behind her questioning but I think it may go a bit further
than simply modifying the dialog to suit her public. I think she may be
questioning her
" fanatic " readers to see what she may be able to get past THEM on her web
site without giving toooooooooo much away.

Just how many readers have or can put the two and two together in the same
manner that she has, or in other words how close is this group of readers
that she can reply to ANY more answers even to poll questions without them
(or us [the truly fanatical :)]) realizing the ending…completely. A hint to
my confusion on this subject was in her answer to the last poll question
where she admitted that she was a bit stunned at the question that needed
answered. She thought she had her audience captivated and that the next
question to be answered would be about Horcruxes… but Wow there were too
many persons who wanted to know about the secret keeper (whom I'm just going
to guess is fairly unimportant according to this reaction).

Now she needs to ask how many persons really are in tune to where she is
going; should she answer with more detail or not; should she steer those who
have gone astray from the more relevant matter closer or would she give away
too much to those who are, should we say more astute.

It's the Ron/Hermione vs. Harry/Hermione relevance again…she allowed that to
continue but only to the point where those readers needed to be corrected to
continue with HER story. I still think that there may be significance in her
questions…but it may only be significant to her, since she has the answers.


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