Exceeds Expectations???
talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Sat Apr 8 09:30:42 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Lyn J. Mangiameli"
<kumayama at ...> wrote:
>I'm surprised no one has commented on her reference to WOMBAT Grade
>2 "in due course." I rather hope not.
Please Lynn. Sufficient unto the day is the evil therein. = : P
>There is nothing, thus far, that I've found enlightening about this
>project, or even informative.
Nope, it really does seem like a meaningless Snipe Hunt meant to
keep us distracted without providing any clues.
My certificates don't specifically reference Grade 2, but obviously
that's what's on deck.
For what it's worth:
Outstanding certificates say:
Your exemplary powers of deduction and formidable knowledge of the
inner workings of the magical world reveal you to be a witch or
wizard of genuine skill and learning. This first examination has
barely tested you. We look forward to challenging you to a further
and more difficult examination in due course.
The Exceeds Expectations certificate says:
Well done--a most creditable performance! We are impressed by the
breadth of your magical knowledge and your level of insight into the
wizarding world. We hope that you will attempt our next, and more
difficult, examination in due course.
More difficult aka more trivial? I suppose she hopes we'll all
hunker down and try to memorize the Lexicon's lists of magical
plants and animals instead of fretting about solving any silly old
(Then, of course, she'll ask all about breakfast foods.)
>Jen 4119:
>I took the test thinking there wasn't a right answer and that the
>purpose was to get to the code at the end which would unlock the
>door or provide a canon clue.
It is my pleasure to present you with the award for unbridled
optimism. :)
>Catlady 4116:
>I only got an 'Acceptable'. My feelings are hurt.
Fiddlesticks. Cheer up.
Preliminary research shows this indicates you are a person of
prudence and rational behavior.
Ditto Anne, Lynn, Gatta, Jen, et al.
Alas, poor Moose, you just seem to be screwed.
>Gatta 4118:
>Gatta Exceeded Expectations too. Being a Hermione, she'd like to
>know which ones she got wrong.
We could have a thorough rehash, if folks want to.
We could post a set of the exam questions, so everyone who wanted to
participate could have them for reference.
Then, each of us could prepare a post. It would indicate the score
received followed by the number of each question and the letter of
the answer chosen for it--to the best of our recollection.
We could put it all on a grid, and see what sifts out.
Anyone game?
>Jen, who probably WILL take another one if only to satiate her
>inner- Hermione who was most displeased with an 'A'. ;)
:: grips desk and gasps::
...I know...it's a... fool's game...but, I'll...do it...again.
Damn her.
>...In the first four books, we met Dobby and Winky and got the idea
>that all House Elves have two syllable names with "y" at the end.
>If that had been the rule, he would have been named 'Kreachy'
>rather than Kreachur. [notes Hokey in Book 6] Were we wrong about
>the rule?...
Maybe elves have to be really malicious to earn an -er name. Who
knows? If we can get out to Voldemort's place perhaps we'll meet
Kreeper, Seether, Ripper, and the whole nasty little gang. :)
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