[the_old_crowd] Re: WOMBATS / House Elves

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Sat Apr 8 20:17:25 UTC 2006

Gatta, responding to Ginger here:

  The 0 is skinnier than the O, so that is the difference.  
  The skinny one is the number and the fat one is the capitol letter.

  Hope that helps, Ginger

There you go, carissima! Think of yourself as a capitol letter, way above all those lowercase letters.

By the way, what's the matter with being a cavemama? I don't know what it's like where you live, but out here Earth Goddesses are hot stuff with men who are tired of putting up with the vagaries of self-absorbed 98-pound bippity-bops.

As for swottiness: I wish I'd had the guts and experience to reply to my mother's "Boys don't like girls who get straight As," with "That's O.K. I'm not interested in boys, just real men." I've acquired several good ones in my career, along with the Ph.D. in Greek and Latin Studies. >:)


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