Exceeds Expectations???

annemehr annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Sun Apr 9 04:01:00 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "carolynwhite2"
<carolynwhite2 at ...> wrote:
> Carolyn
> Who fortunately Exceeded Expectations too, and is now in possession 
> of a Grade 1 W.O.M.B.A.T., which I plan to pin up with my Girl Guide 
> and bicycling certificates.
Thanks! :)
> *************
> 1. Which Ministry of Magic Department(s) and/or committee(s) would
> you contact to resolve each of the following dilemmas?
> Part 1
> Your neighbour is concealing a stash of flying carpets [...]

Either (c) Misuse of Muggle Artefacts office
or (f) None of the above.

I wanted to know more about the back garden -- after all, the Weasleys
play quidditch in theirs.  But I probably put (c) assuming this was a
ministry-approved test and the carpets are illegal so it was probably
*technically* the right answer.

> Part 2
> Your friend C possesses a Muggle Penny Farthing (old bicycle) [...]

(f) None of the above

> Part 3
> Your sixteen year old nephew, D, has hexed his seventeen year old
> sister, E. E has retaliated with a Stunning Spell that missed D and
> hit a Muggle motorist, who has smashed into a lamppost.

I'm pretty sure it was:
(a) Department of Magical Accidents and catastrophes

> Part 4
> Your friends wizard A and wizard B are in dispute over which of them
> owns a field in which Mooncalfs dance periodically.[...]

(b) Wizengamot

> Part 5
> Witch F fed love potion to a Muggle man, who has married her. When
> you went around with a wedding gift you discovered she is using him
> as an occasional table.

I have no idea what I answered that one.

> 2. Which of the following should be most SEVERELY punished by the
> Wizengamot?

I *think* I chose:
(d) The use of the Imperius curse on a Muggle mugger

> 3. Which of the following should receive the LIGHTEST punishment from
> the Wizengamot?

(a) Horns created accidentally on culprit's mother, caused by broken
wand  -or-
(b) Jellylegs Jinx performed on threatening Muggle

I'm pretty sure I picked (a) because there may have been better
options for dealing with the Muggle; perhaps one that would have been
less dangerous re the Statute of Secrecy.

> 4. Which of the following does NOT require a Ministry of Magic
> license?

I dithered, but I think I put:
(b) Sale of Magical Artefacts

Because otherwise every shop would require a license to sell.

> 5. Which of the following wizarding laws, in your view, stands in
> most urgent need of change?

(d) The guidelines on house-elf welfare (need to be enforced)

> 6. Which mode of transportation would you advise for a young mother
> travelling with one-year old twins with a low boredom threshold, her
> grandmother, who suffers from severe motion sickness, and her
> husband, who has never mastered the three `D's' ?

(e) Portkey

> 7. Which of the following unorthodox  means of transport is
> considered the most serious breach of the International Statute of
> Secrecy

(b) Abraxan horse-drawn giant carriages

> 8. Which mode(s) of transportation could you use to reach/enter each
> of the following wizarding institutions?
> Part 1 Azkaban

(a) Brooms

> Part 2 Gringotts

Assuming "reach" and not "enter":
(e) Brooms/Floo powder/Knight bus/Apparition

> Part 3 Hogwarts

No confidence in this one, but...
(d) Brooms/Floo powder/Knight bus

> Part 4 Ministry of Magic

(e) Brooms/Floo powder/Knight bus/Apparition

> Part 5 St Mungos

(e) Brooms/Floo powder/Knight bus/Apparition

> 9. Which of the following would, in your opinion, provide the best
> security for a convention of broomstick salesman in a large, Fire-
> bolt shaped marquee?

(b) Muggle-repelling charm

> 10. Which of the following should not be used in cooking?
No confidence in this one, either:
(d) Dragon blood

> 11. Which of the following would most effectively clean up a spillage
> of wart cap powder?

(d) Evanesco

> 12. A doxy-bite can be healed most quickly and safely using:

(e) Murtlap essence

> 13. Which of the following commonly held wizarding beliefs is
> actually true?

(b) The use of magic in front of a Muggle is prohibited unless

> 14. Which of the following small creatures would you CHOOSE to
> accompany you on a perilous journey?

(b) Crup

> 15. Which of the following is NOT listed as a pest by the Pest
> Advisory Board?

(f) Knarl

> 16. A dog acting in a suspiciously un-canine manner is most likely to
> be:

(a) An animagus

> 17. Which of the following plants has NO curative, restorative or
> protective properties?

I know this is wrong now, but...
(d) Snargluff tree

With so many where I don't even remember what I answered, this
probably isn't much use to Talisman's Answer Key Decoding Project, and
anyway I don't like some of my answers anymore.  But for what it's


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