[the_old_crowd] Snipe or Snape was Exceeds Expectations???

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Mon Apr 10 23:06:06 UTC 2006


  Down here, in this neck of the woods, they call it a Snape hunt but 
  then again we call a creek a crick and a rubber band; gumband.so just 
  about everyone knows we are Pittsburghers when we leave are 
  territory. (In fact it's called Pittsburgh-eze, a smidge like we are 
  from the Bronx only Pennsylvania not New York; both cities' languages 
  are fairly disgusting when it comes down to grammar and yet both are 
  proud of it)

I'm so glad you come from a place where people talk funny too. Where I come from, they put carn in the born to feed the harses, and go for a picnic in the pork and grill park chops.

  I rather like the reference to Professor Snape being a hunt though.it 
  does fit with the `find something that doesn't exist about him theme' 
  or in the Snipe/Snape hunt scenario; a wild goose chase. 

  The subject you most want to gag on could just be the very biggest 
  red herring. Everyone is lead away by Snape (or Snipe) only to find 
  he is a diversion to the truth. Why would any character in a story 
  have more posts written about him than the main character and yet to 
  date Snape holds the count.

As I just wrote to Talisman off-list, I think this is one of those cases where JKR let something get away from her. She invented this wonderful is-he/isn't-he villain and came up for air after about five volumes of having fun with him to discover that he'd completely upstaged Harry. Who is, I regret to say, pretty upstage-able. (Most adolescent and pre-adolescent boys are.)



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