Of Hxs and parasites
dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 22 09:55:57 UTC 2006
Barry Arrowsmith <arrowsmithbt at ...> wrote:
> In CoS it reads as if he made the Diary when he was still a teenager,
> with the sole intention of "leading another in my footsteps". No
hint of
> a Hosscrutch - which presumably should become evident when the
> Diary was accessed - and would be a damned sight more up-to-date
> with maleficent properties than the merely nasty, spiteful, teenage
My memory of HP is getting ever more unreliable, but doesn't HBP imply
Tom bumped off his dad and grandparents at the *beginning* of the
fifth year? And the simulacrum in COS, presumably frozen at the age
of his last memory input to the diary, is a prefect.
Or did he use another murder to turn the diary into a Horcrux?
Re chickens and eggs, I always feel that debate, however tasty, is
framed in a way that discriminates against roosters.
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