Of Hxs and parasites
Lyn J. Mangiameli
kumayama at kumayama.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 24 03:36:10 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "snow15145" <kking0731 at ...> wrote:
> Is the Diary the only Horcrux with a memory or is it the
> only one with a memory of Tom?
Lyn here:
Now that's a most interesting matter to consider. So did TR just come up with something
that had never been done before? I think not or DD would have shown greater surprise
when the nature of the diary was first revealed. No, someone must have done it before,
and DD knew of that, so what are, or have been the prior examples? Who did them, and do
any other examples remain. Now wouldn't it be so very interesting if SS had made
someting similar, or better yet, that each of the founders had done something similar. And
what information might they contain for the present generation of wizards? Harry is now
familiar with the workings of a diary, so will he be prepared to use other memory objects
for his future purposes.
> It's one of those unknowns that we are dealing with, which is the
> Horcrux and its affects. Does a Horcrux creation hold a copy of the
> owner's self when it was created or more so the death it was created
> with?
Lyn again:
Yes too many unknowns are feasible for my tastes. I kind of doubt your current
speculation just because of the great fragmentation of experience. If the diary held the TR
before age 16, then would another Hx contain him just as 22, and another at 27, etc. Kind
of makes one wonder what would happen if they were all able to materialize themselves
through the contributed life force of another (like Ginny was meant to be), then would they
recognize themselves? Would they all hang around as a "band of brothers?" Nah, this is
just not elegant enough for me.
> Does a Horcrux hold the same powers that the owner itself does and/or
> was the Diary the only Horcrux so far that exhibited a memory?
> We have seen a possible Horcrux (the locket) act on memories
is there
> a connection?
And again:
I just love these speculations. Did the locket really act on memories, or just the fluid in
which it was held? It seems the latter, but what if the fluid was indeed changed by its long
relationship to the locket. Again, a bit to complicated for my tastes, but very interesting
none the less.
> Also does the selective death in making a Horcrux cause the Horcrux
> to act in a specific manner if attacked? Would this give credence to
> Sirius accusation that his brother was not important enough to
> directly be killed by Voldemort? Voldemort aimed for specific,
> important individuals to make his Horcruxes didn't he?
Yes, it seems very likely to be some link between the deceased and the nature of the Hx. I
agree, it there is reason to believe TR was VERY selective in who he killed for the makings
of a Hx. Was it really that LV could not have killed "the spare" in the graveyard, or was it
that "the spare" was not worthy of being killed. Still, lots of folks are killed without a Hx
being made, indeed that's the standard way of things. So surely TR could select which
murders would be significant enough "rents" in his soul to be worthy of Hx formation. Just
I can't really grow fond of the Hx thing. What if a guy kills a thousand people? what if a
person kills ten thousand? Do we really have a little tear in the sole for each and every
individual death--does their sole look as ragged as a fringed leather jacket on David
> Something to think about for sure
Yah, some of the most interesting things to consider that I've come across in a long time.
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