7th book
talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 21 20:23:12 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Annemehr" <annemehr at ...> wrote:
> And, yes, hallows = saints as in All Hallows Eve. So, these would
> be "good" people, then, if indeed that's what the word in the title
> means. Then, I get the feeling Deathly Hallows could be sort of
anti-> Death Eaters.
Well, Anne, we must be on the same wavelength. Must be all that
IMing. :)
As you were expanding over here I've allowed my naturally deviant
mind to make the most of things on TOL.
To wit, a number of posts I've just flung up at Main:
Deadly Saints
Message #163032
My first impression upon reading the new title this afternoon, was of
Lupin's statement in the kitchen at 12GP, back in OoP.
Then, I decided that the Hallows was just a reference to that
notorious Halloween we've all been expecting to revisit in Book 7, at
Well, no doubt that *is* on tap.
But, on further consideration, maybe the title does multiple duty.
Deathly certainly does include the meanings: causing death, fatal,
etc. Check the dictionary closest to you.
Hallows also means Saints. As in *All Hallows* = *All Saints.*
We've seen a few saints invoked in canon and Potter apocrypha
(Hedwig, Walpurgis, etc.), sufficient to indicate Rowling's interest
in this area.
Interestingly enough, my ancient Roget's links *saint* to
*phoenix* (Saint: good person 985: 5. ...phoenix).
How's that for a noun.
So, Deathly Hallows can be both a certain fatal holiday or some
Deadly Saints.
So back to that little quip of Lupin's. A little something that
needs clarification in Book 7.
You recall, the one were he tells Harry (Mr. Face-death-and-Voldemort-
at-every-turn) that Harry is too young to join the Order of the
Phoenix because :
"There are dangers involved of which you can have no idea, any of
" (US 97).
Well, I say there have been a number of significant Order on Order
killings so far. Sirius and DD, to name a few.
Deadly Saints, indeed.
Guilty!DD rides again!
Looking forward to it.
And then:
Message #163036
Re: Title of Book 7 (Spolier... CAREFUL, NOW!)
--- In HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com, "wynnleaf" <fairwynn at ...> wrote:
> Here is a link that's floating around on the Lexicon Forum and
might be of interest in reading about "hallows" as sacred objects.
> http://www.mystical-www.co.uk/arthuriana2z/h.htm
Great link wynnleaf!
I especially like the connection to Lugh. Brings to mind my old post
from Aug. 18, 2002, HPfGU #42864, which includes, in pertinent part:
Holly is also associated with the Celtic sun-god Lugh, the patron
of sorcery no less. (I noted before posting that the Lugh connection
has been suggested by Ronale7; see earlier discussions of this myth
in various threads by searching for "Lugh").
A reading of the myth of Lugh
provides many fertile comparisons between the Celtic hero and
Harry: Oidche Lugnasa (Lugh's feast day) is HP's Birthday, July 31;
Prophesy that evil king Balor (Lugh's grandpa) would be killed by
grandson leads to Balor's failed attempt to kill Lugh; Lugh was
brought up in the care of a master magician, to keep him safe; when
Balor (a Fromorian) tries to take over the Tuatha de Danann, and has
killed the Tautha king, Lugh emerges as the hero of the battle and
the new king of his people. hmmmm.
And from my #42894, of the same date:
In consideration of the interest in Stoned!Harry, here's a little
something for you, Eloise. Lugh killed his evil grandfather with a
Lots of fertile ground with the Guardians of the Hallows, as well.
Talisman, who did say the title does "multiple" duty.
[end post]
Did I mention that the story of Lugh involves a guy with a silver
hand, as well?
Apprediation for Rowling's "gift" is growing on me.
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