a mid day ramble among
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Feb 2 14:52:24 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Lyn J. Mangiameli" <kumayama at ...> wrote:
> I was changing the month today on my Dragonolgy calendar when my eye fell on an
> introductory paragraph:
snip dragon stone info.
> These species also drive away venomous animals and heal poisoned wounds.
> With that "never tickle a sleeping dragon" line found in the books, and the greatly
> enlarged role of both Draco and Cissy in the last volume, I must say, this is all rather
> intriguing for me, though likely of little actual significance to the series.
I've been trying to access quick quotes - without success, it seems to be on a
loop that brings you back to TLC Home page - 'cos I think Jo made mention of
more dragon related stuff turning up in the books. May be wrong though. But
if she does, it might be more fun having the real thing rather than that little
squit Draco sliming all over the place.
Which would be interesting, the dragons in HP are not friendly, as feral killer
monsters they're just the opposite. Lopping the head off one shouldn't stir
up the fluffies too much.
But this dragon-stone thing in the head - way back I put up a post quoting
Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable where similar sorts of myths apply to
a toad-stone, only it's supposed to be red. Certainly it's a specific against
poison and venomous bites. Poor old Trevor - doomed to be a magical
Band-Aid, was the general gist. Unfortunately he ain't been around much
lately, seems to have dropped out of the story - and he missed his cue to
take a starring role during the showdown in CoS.
There's never a toad around when you want one.
So maybe it will be dragons...
Good oh.
Crispy wizards.
Mmm! Crunchy!
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