Randy Estes
estesrandy at
Sun Feb 5 05:15:11 UTC 2006
Given a theme of the 7 deadly sins, I took a look at
the end of the first book and the seven tasks....
Task 1: Three Headed dog...trapdoor....
Pride.....Perhaps you have to get past ME, Myself and
I (or the id, ego, and superego) to overcome pride...
Or it could be that you are baptised with Faith,Hope,
and Love to overcome Pride.
Task 2: Devil's Snare....does not like sunlight.. ensnares you and only loving warmth can
break its hold on you
Task 3: Winged Keys...Harry flies broom
Sloth...Harry must take action or "take flight" to
find the key to his release from fear
Task 4: Chess Game ...Black Queen...White vs Black
Lust...maybe male versus female (Ron vs. Black Queen)
or competition as a way to channel lust?
Task 5: Sleeping Troll...
Anger...controlled anger is a sleeping troll. If you
wake him up he likes to destroy things.
Task 6: Potions Logic Puzzle...
Greed...The desire to take credit or receive
praise...Harry and Hermione complement each other and
neither seeks to get praise for being the better
wizard. They overcome this desire in the diaglogue.
Task 7: Mirror of Hearts Desire..Immortality stone
Gluttony... The desire for immortality would be a form
of gluttony. It is asking for more than one needs.
Red Eye Randy
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