[the_old_crowd] Seven sins for Seven books
silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 5 14:18:16 UTC 2006
Randy Estes:
> Harry Potter and the Seven Deadlies
> There is an ancient poem by Prudentius about the
> Battle for the Soul. It discusses the seven
> contrary virtues to help someone battle the seven
> deadly sins. The Harry Potter books are a metaphor
> for this battle for the soul.
> 1. First book is the Philosophers stone
> First deadly sin is PRIDE
> Pride is excessive belief in ones abilities.
As my understanding of sins can be twisted, feel free to ignore
contradictions, but I have comments.
> Pride has overtaken Professor Quirrell.
I'd say Pride is more about Snape than about Voldemort. Add to his list of
wonders (healing song and those details) that he had already managed
nonverbal magic at the OWLS (green light, btw) as seen in the pensieve.
Voldemort fits with a lot of sins... greed, gluttony, anger, lust
> 6. Sixth book is the Half Blood Prince
> Sixth deadly sin is GREED.
> Greed is more than the desire for material wealth or
> gain. Greed wants to get its fair share and wants to
> get the credit or praise.
> Professor Snape wants the job of Defense Against the
> Dark Arts Teacher [...] He does not wish others to get
> credit or praise.
That I don't know, though I have clear he wished Lockhart didn't have so much
credit (I can understand that). I think he wouldn't disagree with McGonagall
being praised, for example.
> He especially dislikes Harry using
> spells that he created.
No wonder here, if a) he hates(call it whatever you like, if I'd enter in
subtleties about the Snape/Harry relation, we'd never end) the kid, b) it's
dark magic, c) he had used it to rip apart another student's body. I haven't
seen him reacting to someone using a spell that he created in a context that
can be called positive or neutral (James bullying him I consider also
negative), that I can recall.
> He tries to confer a title
> upon himself.
Do not now, either, only that he carried it. I didn't choose my nick, just
didn't resist it when it was given to me, and I could have, given its meaning
is pretty pompous. Tolkien fans can correct me, but I think it means 'the one
who shines with white and silver light', or with such intention was
> The young Tom Riddle greedily steals
> the objects of his classmates. Harry likes to get the
> credit or praise that the Half-Blood Princes
> potions book has given him. He must learn not to take
> credit for the work of others.
Draco is greedy for social outstanding (even if it only is between the DE),
though his 'reedeming the family' motivations have also to be considered and
he clearly changes his perspective during book, but he starts as a 'want to
shine and be praised' character.
> 7. Seventh book title is not yet known.
> Last deadly sin is GLUTTONY
> Gluttony is the desire to consume more than one
> requires. Temperance accepts natural limits of
> pleasures. This pertains not only to food, but to
> entertainment and the company of other people.
Mmm don't know yours, but my stereotype of dragon includes raiding towns in
search of tons of food and having a gold mountain as a bed. Can work for both
greed and gluttony.
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