
Eustace_Scrubb dk59us at dk59us.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 8 20:44:37 UTC 2006

Randy wrote lots of interesting stuff about:

> Harry Potter and the Seven Deadlies
> There is an ancient poem by Prudentius about the
> "Battle for the Soul".  It discusses the seven
> contrary virtues to help someone battle the seven
> deadly sins.  The Harry Potter books are a metaphor
> for this battle for the soul.

Eustace_Scrubb replies:

I wonder, though...as I understand it, the 7 sins are arranged in
increasing order of seriousness, starting with gluttony and working up
to pride.  If we try to equate one of the sins with each of the HP
series, I'd be inclined to try to line them up accordingly--which
would tie Pride with the forthcoming 7th book rather than PS/SS.

Just a thought that I can't develop further right now...maybe later!



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