Seven bottles versus Seven players
estesrandy at
Fri Feb 10 19:47:50 UTC 2006
Quidditch has seven players on one team:
One Keeper
Someone in charge of other people. ( I am my brother's keeper)
"Keeper" means a person in possession or control of a dog or other
animal. A person becomes the keeper of a stray domesticated animal,
other than a dog or livestock, if the person feeds that animal for at
least 10 consecutive days
The hardware which mates with a lock mechanism.
One Seeker
Anyone searching for spiritual truth in any form.
Two Beaters
A beater is a worker who rouses wild game from under cover for a
A beater is an everyday use car such as a Ford Anglia that has seen
better days. ;0)
Three Chasers
Bow chaser is a naval gun in the bow for firing while chasing another
Stern chaser is a naval gun able to fire astern at a ship in chase.
Seven Tasks of book One
Seven bottles in the Potions Task
One lets you move ahead (SEEKER in Quidditch)
One brings you back - (KEEPER in Quidditch)
Two hold only nettle wine (irritate, sting, provoke) ( BEATER in
Three are killers waiting hidden (CHASERS in Quidditch take shots)
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides
The second left and the second right are twins once you taste them
though different at first sight
I once read a post that compared the 7 DADA teachers with the seven
bottles of wine in task 6 of the first book.
Seven bottles in the Potions Task
3 are killers
- Quirrell, Moody, Snape?/Lupin if he is ESE?
2 are only nettle wine (nettle means irritate, provoke)
- Lockhart,
One lets you move ahead maybe Lupin?/ Snape if he is DDM?
One brings you back the Unknown DADA teacher? (Slughorn?)
What do you guys think about this stuff?
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