More on Sirius's Gang of Slytherins

Kirstin Innes kirst_inn at
Fri Feb 17 14:27:12 UTC 2006

Olivier wrote:
>>>I will point again that if Slughorn was hosting
three to four parties a year at Hogwarts at that time,
if Snape was invited, and if older students like the
Lestranges showed up each time or even regularly (all
of this strongly suggested by canon), then Sirius
would have be as justified to say that Snape was
hanging out with a gang of Slytherins as Malfoy would
be justified to say that Harry was hanging out with a
gang of Weasleys (in fact even more so, Harrry sees
Weasleys about thrice a year). And that would be
pretty well justified 
in my opinion. Especially since it is also strongly
suggested that Sirius was invited to Slughorn's
parties too, so he would have had first-hand evidence
that Snape was hanging out with his not-so-dear cousin
Bellatrix and her future husband.

JKR's timelines are notoriously fuzzy, but on that
particular point, I 
see no terrible problem.>>>  

I sort of do.

I'm probably going to get this wrong, as I'm at work
without access to the books, but I was listening to
the cd last week and could have sworn that a Lestrange
is one of the gang of Slytherins in the Slug Club in
"A Very Sluggish Memory", and that an Avery is one of
the Death Eaters hanging about the Hog's Head waiting
for Voldie to finish his job interview with
[quick check]
Ooh, I'm right. Lexicon timeline:
 Tom Marvolo Riddle starts his sixth year at Hogwarts 
He is now wearing the ring he stole from his uncle
Morfin during the summer. He meets with his Head of
House, Professor Slughorn, accompanied by his group of
friends which includes Avery and Lestrange. He asks
Slughorn about Horcruxes.  

There's no Lexicon entry for the second event. 
So - DE-ness seeping down the generations? I admit
this is very possible in a WW prone to young
parenting, but the Lexicon wording seems to imply that
these are *the* Avery and Lestrange.

Could be one Lestrange brother 24+ years older than
other, of course. Or a tricky little passage in GOF
that JKR had forgtten about...

Kirstin, in a rush, but still picking wildly.

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