[the_old_crowd] Re: A Few More Twigs
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 18 15:50:28 UTC 2006
--- Heidi Tandy <heidi8 at ...> wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 8:59 pm, Talisman wrote:
> >
> > I still say, if Charlus Potter isn't Harry's
> Grandfather, Rowling will
> > need more than a false mustache...
> >
> I hope he's not - if so, then Harry's grandmother's
> age will be very
> problematic - while I'm willing to accept that a
> woman having a baby at
> 40ish is on the old side, I can't imagine that jkr
> would describe that
> as "late in life" or that James' parents were
> elderly when they died
> when they really weren't.
> Heidi
I must admit that I have not been keeping up with all
of this family tree stuff. Did someone suggest that
Snape and Sirius were half brothers (ie. half a Black
makes you a half-blood prince?)
Because that makes sense to me. Sirius, the dog star,
is the brightest star in the sky and it has a dwarf
twin star that is very difficult to see. Sirius, the
wizard is a very bright and popular student. Snape is
dwarfed in comparison and is hardly noticed by anyone!
Red Eye Randy
who thinks that JKR is the kind of person who relishes
a good pun when she sees one!
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