Who knew that Peter was the Secret Keeper? (Was: After all this time...)

Judy judy at judyserenity.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 28 20:53:29 UTC 2006

Constance Vigilance wrote:
>>>The main problem with a secret dying with the secret keeper as I 
see it, is that (assuming Dumbledore is dead) the location of 12 
Grimmauld Place can be known by no others than those that already 
know of it. The Order of the Phoenix can not recruit new members who 
would be expected to visit the HQ because no one can tell the new 
person of the existance of 12GP.<<<

I don't see that as such as big problem.  The Order can get a new HQ 
(protected by a new Secret Keeper) if really needed.  It seems they 
did this for a time after Sirius died, anyway.  

Also, with Dumbledore gone, who would have the authority (or the 
confidence) to admit new members to the Order?  (To admit new people 
other those such as the Trio, who were essentially part of the Order 
unofficially, that is.)  Of course, if the war dragged on, the Order 
would *have* to eventually admit new people, but the structure of the 
series implies the war will last only one more year, and I'm not sure 
the Order will need new members in that time.   

>>>Hmm. If a bit of general knowledge (such as the presence of James 
and Lily, which Dumbledore and Sirius seem to have known) become 
locked under Fidelius, what happens to those who already possess the 
knowledge? Do they forget?<<<

I suspect so, although it's never explicitly stated.  We don't really 
know how Fidelius kept Snape from saying where the Order HQ was, even 
though he knew it, or how Voldie could have his faced pressed up 
against the Potters' window without seeing them.  Perhaps the 
Fidelius Charm induces a selective amnesia in thos ewho already knew 
the secret, or stumbled uopn it?  That seems quite possible, given 
the magic of the Potterverse.

>>>Furthermore, if Peter was the keeper of the secret of Where are 
the Potters, then does that mean that no one can find the location of 
Lily and James' bodies unless Peter tells them?<<<

Perhaps the bodies are not considered James & Lily, and the Secret 
doesn't apply to them?  Or perhaps, someone who knew where they were 
(say, Hagrid) moved them to their burial site, and the Secret doesn't 
apply to the new location?  Alternatively, if their graves *are* part 
of the Secret, perhaps Harry can find them, having been part of the 
original charm, but Hermione & Ron won't be able to see the graves.

-- Judy

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