Gazing over the parapet

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Sun Jan 1 19:37:17 UTC 2006

Hell, another year already.
I'm sure someone must have fast-forwarded the last one...or two...  
make that five.

The starry-eyed optimists deserve everything they get (God rot 'em),  
but for the rest of us, those who've been repeatedly bashed round the  
ear 'ole by that sand-filled sock called life, Kneasy wishes you a  
negative year:-

May the gnurrs never come from the voodvork out,
may the stobor never bite you in the bum,
may the grues never find you when the lights go out,
and may your Snark never, ever be a Boojum.

That should do it.

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